
Hotel Vienna GmbH

Grosse Stadtgutgasse 31
A-1020 Vienna, Austria

Bank account:

IBAN: AT58 1200 0006 0403 8208

UID: ATU 64989169
Commercial register number: FN 73004i

Legal Notice:

The Hotel Vienna constantly updates and checks the information on its website. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided can therefore not be assumed. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlinks. We are not responsible for the content of websites that are accessed via such a connection. If you should get to an illegal page through a hyperlink, we ask you to inform us about it: We will remove the link immediately after noticing it.

The content and design of the Internet pages are protected by copyright. Reproduction of the pages or their content requires the prior written consent of Hotel Vienna.

4 star hotel 1020 vienna

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